How to get movies from You tube

After a lot of hair pulling aggravation and a moment of nearly giving up because I thought I had failed. I found a way to get the movies off from You tube to my computer. I also found a way to get them to my television set using a few simple applications. I dedicated an entire PDF file to getting movies to your computer and making the MP3,MP4,AVI movies on you tube.

I have created a collection of movies by Genre to the pdf- From classic Westerns, Comedy, Horror, Drama and more.

Movies with actors such as: Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Adam Sandler and many other great actors.

A complete Selection of Stephen King Movies-- 

If you are interested in finding out how to get this movie collection you can simply purchase this 13 plus page PDF with the first hand knowledge- You can download this PDF and click on the links in the PDF that will take you to everything you need to get these great movies.

I will even show you how to search for the movies once you have ran out of choices.

Are you looking for great mini series, shows and more. You might be able to find the latest episodes of your shows on youtube as well. 

Although, You tube has been vastly deleting movies and videos that have been infringing on copyright laws and more. So you must act fast. 
These links are current as of June 24th 2013 and I am constantly updating the list as I find more.

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